Monday, 8 September 2008

What we are all about

Empty as usual

Note the rusty corners....

It doesn't move, nailed solid....

Also rusty, but the kids still like it.

Hello all.

We're a small group of women from the village of Bamford who have become concerned about the state of our local play area and have decided to try and do something about it.

It's privately owned, so we can't expect the Local Authority to help (although we have tried!). We're applying for Lottery funding to supplement our existing funds to completely revamp the play area.

You'll be able to see from the pictures above what we're on about! We live in a beautiful village in the middle of the Peak District National Park. The surrounding country is simply gorgeous and the play area has every natural advantage you might hope for. Yet, because it has been neglected for a long time, with only minimal repairs when absolutely necessary, usually carried out by parents for free, the play area has become dilapidated and uninspired.

Now, much of the equipment has been removed or disabled due to being unsafe. What's left is not exactly pretty or entertaining for childen and, as a result, it is underused. Now, those families who can often drive to neighbouring villages to use their play facilities.

This doesn't make sense. Village children should be able to play in their own village with their own classmates and neighbours. Those who can't drive to other, better places should not be condemned to a second class playground.

I've set up this blog but I hope that, once word gets around, anyone will be able to post their stories and photos about the play area and we can update it as we make applications for funding to improve the situation.

Wish us luck!

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