Sunday 23 November 2008

Comments 2

I've just extracted some more comments from our questionnaires for your delectation:

"We would go much more frequently and meet friends."

"I think the equipment is dated. My child cut himself on the rusty horse."

"We would use it more rather than driving to Hathersage."

"As a local childminder, I need places for children to play and be safe."

"Would attract people to Bamford. Good for local business."

"An improved play area would be used more often. Great for social interaction."

"I would like to take my grandchildren but at the moment I would be very worried about the safety of the equipment."

"Would improve quality of life by travelling less."

"Better equipment for toddlers."

"The children would enjoy playing on new equipment as there is a limited choice at present."

"Needs better climbing equipment and something for older children."

"We need a better environment to take friends."

Well, I hope you enjoyed those. I certainly enjoyed picking the different colours out! They're not made up, by the way. The people have spoken and we will try to deliver!

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