Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Or, to put it another way - how do we know what everyone wants? How do we know that something needs to be done at all?!

Well, as to the latter, I think the pictures I put up in my first couple of posts will satisfy you that something needs to be done. But what?

To this end, as we don't want to be accused of being blinkered or exclusive, the Committee circulated a hundred or so Questionnaires and a Petition widely round the village and surrounding area to try to garner support for redevelopment of the play area as well as ideas as to what it should look like.

We asked the following questions:

  1. How often do you use the play area?

  2. Would you use it more often if it was improved?

  3. How safe do you feel the current playground is and do you have any suggestions to improve safety?

  4. What new play equipment would you like to see on the play area?

  5. Do you use other play areas and, if so, how do you get there?

  6. Would a new improved play area on the Bamford Recreation Ground benefit you, your family and friends or business and, if so, how?

  7. Any other comments?

We recieved 50 replies to the Questionnaire, which is not bad going considering the size of the village and the fact that not everyone has any connection to children. (I know exactly 50 replies seems a little dodgy but that's the number, I just recounted them!) The comments were wide ranging and mostly helpful (if occasionally a little unrealistic - we're not made of money!!) and I'll try and summarise the main themes over this and some later posts.

To the question regarding what sort of equipment people would like to see, the results were as follows:

  • Roundabout - 19
  • Climbing frame - 26
  • Toddler equipment/small slide/swings/disabled - 11
  • Adventure Trail/Obstacle course - 7
  • Sit on spring seats/rockers - 6
  • Zip wire - 8
  • Moving horse - 3
  • Better slide - 5
  • Tunnels - 3
  • Sand pit - 4
  • New see-saw - 2
  • New ground bark - 2

I've listed above all the items which received more than one vote. There were loads of other suggestions and I'll list them sepaprately but I want to get this entry posted so you'll have to wait with bated breath for that!

Bye for now and wish us luck!

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