Tuesday, 11 November 2008

The Stage 2 slog begins

We had a meeting of our committee last night to go through all the things which have to be sorted before we can submit the Stage 2 application to the Big Lottery Fund. Wow! There is MASSES to get through. Luckily, there are 5 of us and 4 of us are mothers so automatically fall into the "Superwoman" category....I just sneak in by default. Only joking. There is a LOT to do but it will be worthwhile.

Our Great Leader (Helen from here on in...she prefers Great Leader but it takes too long to type) has prepared a letter to the Parish News to let everyone know how we are getting on and update them on the project. For those of you who don't read the Parish News, here it is:

"Bamford Play Area Improvement Plan
Firstly, a massive "Thank You!" to everyone who has helped with repairs and maintenance of the play area, including Lefarge for their donation of £400, Harry Beckett, Bill Thorp, Neil Deakin, Nigel Eyre, Simon Pill and Mark Wood. Without the work they have carried out for us, the play area would probably have been closed by now due to Health & Safety concerns.
Thank you also to Paul Towers and Mark Wood for mowing the grass.
We would also like to thank Sue Beckett and the Bamford with Thornhill Recreation Ground Committee for their continued support of our project.
So far we have raised over £18,000 and would like to thank Mr S Sampson, Bamford Parochial Church Council, Bamford WI, Bamford Parish Council, Sir Hugh and Lady Sykes and the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire Charitable Trust in reaching this total. A specially big thank you to the ladies of West Lees Road for all their hard work and everyone else who helped with the clothes sale, including Joan Carrington's granddaughters, Rachel and Sarah, who very kindly sent us some lovely clothes to sell along with £600 they raised by running a race.
The great news is that we received Stage 1 Approval for a grant from the Groundwork Uk Community Spaces and Big Lottery Fund. So thank you very much to all of you who filled in our questionnaires and signed the petition which helped us with planning our project and showed the necessary community support for our application.
It would really help if you can all support us further with Stage 2 of the Lottery application by logging onto http://www.friendsofbamfordplayarea.blogspot.com/, and leave comments, pass on ideas, ask questions or voice any concerns. All fundraising ideas or advice always welcome.
Or, if you would prefer, you can contact us by phone:
[I'm not going to put phone numbers onto the web of course but if you contact me by email through the blog, I'll be happy to redirect you]
Thank you for your continued support."
So, that's all as clear as mud. Check in again soon as I reckon things are going to progress pretty quickly now that we've reached this stage. Fingers crossed please.

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